Step 2: Specify Index File

In the second step of the New Task Wizard you need to specify where your backup is stored.

Handy Backup: Selecting Restore from Local Disk/USB Disk/Flash/LAN/CD/HD-DVD/Blu-Ray
Handy Backup: Locating Restore Index File

Type a path or click the Browse for folder button to browse for the folder with the index file.

Restoring from an FTP server

To restore from FTP you will need to specify Host, Port, User, Password, Location and Proxy settings.

The Select FTP folder dialog window consists of two parts. The upper part contains the list of folders available on the FTP server, while the other shows the FTP session log messages. After establishing an FTP connection, the list of remote directories will appear. Select the desired directory, and then click Select. To create a new directory, click New folder.

Restoring from an SFTP server

Restoring from SFTP server is very similar to restoring from FTP, except that Port is 22, and Proxy and Try in passive mode are unavailable. To restore from SFTP you will need to specify Host, Port, User, Password and Location.

Restoring from a Handy Backup Online account